Space survival games free
Space survival games free

  1. #Space survival games free series
  2. #Space survival games free mac

Being at sea is, naturally, very different to being on dry land, and you have fewer tactical options for where to build your base. Subnautica takes the same approach and, arguably, executes it better, doling out tasty clues that keep a sense of mystery, but reveal enough of a grander tale to keep you pushing onward. One of our favourite things about The Forest is how it blends traditional survival gameplay with a gripping story, something few games in the genre even attempt. (Image credit: Unknown Worlds Entertainment) It doesn’t have a story to speak of, but when it comes to collecting resources, surviving hostile biomes and building a dream home, Minecraft is the best in the business. If you’re after more adventures in caves, then Minecraft again has you covered: you’ll sneak through abandoned mineshafts, deep ravines and snaking canyons in search of goodies, slaying monsters as you go. If you enjoyed planning and constructing your base in The Forest, you’re going to love Minecraft’s building tools, which are completely freeform and let you create virtually any project you can imagine, from humble shack to a replica of the Pyramids of Giza. And in the dead of night, among the trees, it can also be a unnerving game in which the hiss of an explosive creeper makes the hair on your neck stand to attention. Mining the wrong block can lead to a swim in lava, meaning any precious diamonds in your pocket are lost forever. Taking on one too many skeletons will get you killed, and you’ll drop all your gear in the process. But it’s also an unforgiving survival game when you dial the difficulty up. On the surface, Minecraft looks simple and, at the right time of day, serene. Its standalone multiplayer expansion, Don’t Starve Together, rebalances items, and feels like the best version of an already excellent game. And like The Forest, it’s fantastic in co-op.

space survival games free

Sandbox is the default mode, but there’s an Adventure mode if you want to uncover a story. The visuals make monsters more silly than scary, but you still want to steer clear at all costs, and if your sanity dwindles your mind will make enemies out of ordinary bushes and shadows. It can be supremely punishing when it wants to be, and when you die, you have to start all over again. But the unique art style sets it apart, turning what would otherwise be mundane animals into curiosities, rivers into pop-ups straight out of a children’s fairy-tale. The bones of Don’t Starve are classic survival, either solo or co-op: a harsh world where you must gather resources, stave off hunger and battle monsters in the dark.

space survival games free

#Space survival games free series

Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PS5, PC, Nintendo Switch Rust proves that hell really is other people. Or, if you’re feeling really sneaky, you might wait for them to go offline, blow their base to smithereens and grab anything valuable from their chest. That might involve catching them as they’re gathering resources, downing them with a few well-placed headshots. One of the best ways to get better loot is to straight up rob other humans. Those other players make Rust feel tense and interesting, and create plenty of opportunities for mischief. Eventually, you’ll be wielding powerful guns and wearing thick armor. You know the drill: bash rocks and trees, build crafting tables, hunt down rare resources and, slowly, acquire better and better gear. Rust trades in smart AI enemies for even smarter, crueller, human ones by dropping you in a vast multiplayer server with nothing but a rock and a torch. There’s only one group more evil than The Forest’s gangs of cannibals: other players.

#Space survival games free mac

Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PS5, PC, Mac Some players will, inevitably, just be out to ruin your day, but as a newbie you’re bound to find a more experienced player willing to take you under their wing and let you ride on their Pteranodon. You can play solo, but just like in The Forest, it shines when you team up with friends to complete your goals. Most can kill you in a few swipes but if you’re able to tame them, they’ll make island life much easier, helping you gather tons of food in minutes and protect your base from raiders (a T-Rex might just be the world’s best bodyguard). ARK’s world is as enticing as The Forest because of all the dinosaurs that roam its lands. But once you’ve set up a stable food and water supply, you’ll have broader ambitions. You awake on the beaches of a distant island with one goal: survival. Platforms: Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PS5, PC, Mac, Nintendo SwitchĪRK will be too grindy for some players, but it’s worth checking out if you enjoyed gathering resources and crafting gear in The Forest.

Space survival games free